Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Magnificent Seven

We (Manchester United's fans) mentioned them magnificient. Because like the meaning of that word (extraordinary-red), they are also extraordinary football players. Whether that was extraordinary when they palying footbal and outside the field. I might not explain how the intensity of David Beckham when he carried out the free kick or his popularity outside the field. I also might not explain the Geroge Best intensities, Bryan Robson, Eric Cantona and of course the phenomenal Cristiano Ronaldo. The combination between the intensities that they had and same of their number (seven-red) that made them called "Magnificent Seven". In fact not meant to caste your player in a certain group, but perhaps only some by chance. And if was seen by us behind, indeed players you who used the number seven were always seen extraordinary.

but, in fact .................

Magnificent seven that was discussed not them, but us .......

today .... S E 7 E N
And I did not want only seven ... let's make it more !!

*dedicated to ferdi*

all about BT

Fans (F) = Hai, ini Rina ya ?? Saya ini fans berat kamu lho ... saya boleh nggak wawancarakamu sebentarrr ajaa ....
Rina (R) = ya .. ya .. ya ...... *angguk2 BT*

F = kira-kira, benda apa sih yg bikin BT lo hilang ??
R = kamera, bola tendang dan tembok ... (maunya sih mobil, tapi apa daya saya blm bs nyetir)

F = tempat buat ngilangin BT ??
R = pantai, gunung, SMAN 47, lapangan bola dan tentu saja .... OLD TRAFFORD !!! hahahaha, I wish I would ... *nyengir2*

F = kalau BT maunya makan apa ??
R = coklat + es krim ... ga peduli deh, mau lagi pilek, batuk, sakit tenggorokan yg penting enak .... *maunya sih makan orang !!*

F = kalau lg BT maunya ketemu sama siapa ??
R = RYAN GIGGS ... MIROSLAV KLOSE ... aaaaaaaa..............

F = lagu yg enak didenger kalau BT ??
R = Manchester United Chants ... yyoohoooo, GLORY-GLORY MAN UNITED !!!

F = lagi BT itu enaknya ngapain sih ??
R = ngilang entah kemana tanpa kasih kabar orang2 .....

F = kalau ditanya2 pas lg BT .... BT ga sih ??
R = ya pikir2 aja sendiri ....

F = terus2 kalau .... bla bla bla bla ...
R = *ngeloyor pergi.......*

F = eh2 ... kok pergi sih ?? mau kemana ?? kan blm selesai ??
R = udah ah ... BT !!!
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